Oppizi is now Uber's global preferred partner for offline marketing solutions!

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021: Our Vision for the New Year

Table of Contents

  • We extended our global footing by settling in North America – if you’re around NYC come and say hello!
  • We scaled the Oppizi team by welcoming new recruits in the Tech and Marketing teams ‍ ‍ ‍
  • And most of all, we helped our clients adapt to the new normal. With letterbox drop and direct mail, we further refined our abilities to target new potential users in their homes

2020 in numbers

32M flyers distributed
100+ campaigns launched
in 70 cities

But let’s not dwell on the past, and rather take the past year as a source of inspiration. How can we better help brands smash their 2021 customer acquisition targets?

The first weeks of 2021 are revealing that the homely habits of 2020 are here to stay – at least for a while. That’s where our heads will be turned in the upcoming months: building on last year’s learnings to help businesses scale. We want to achieve this by leveraging the power of our flyer technology to reach the right audiences at home in several ways.

Empowering brands from A to Z

As you know, the mission which is closest to our hearts is to disrupt the flyering industry to make it fairer and more transparent. Reaching this objective means sliding the focus towards the turnkey aspect of our solution.

In other words: we want to give more power to businesses of all sizes by giving them (you!) 100% control and vision. In 2021, we will put in front of you our new self-serve one-stop shop to seamlessly launch trackable offline marketing campaigns. From creating the artwork yourself on the platform to setting the demographic parameters for your campaign, we will have it covered, from flyer design to distribution.

click to book a demo version
Click to book a demo version

Nail targeting even better

During Covid times, more than ever, we are very much aware that brands are mindful about their marketing spend. That’s why we won’t be straying away from what we know best: delivering offline marketing campaigns that convert at best value for money. We are very excited to be introducing demographic variables that will allow you to target new prospects even better, whether in the streets or in their homes.

& always: capitalise on our expertise

As you’ve seen above with the 2020 figures, we have a few (!) leafleting and flyering campaigns under our belts. They allowed us to crack the code to ROI-positive offline campaigns along the way. Curious how you could benefit from it too? Get in touch to discuss how we could help you reach your acquisition and brand awareness targets, and make sure to follow us on Linkedin if you don’t want to miss out on any news & insights on offline marketing.

We wish you all the best and a lot of success for 2021


About Oppizi​

Oppizi is on a mission to disrupt marketing at scale by offering offline marketing solutions that co-exist with digital channels and providing businesses with MarTech solutions that resonate with audiences across various touchpoints.

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