dynamic remarketing

Getting Started with Dynamic Remarketing Ads: Setup and Tips

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Have you ever started to see ads pop up for products you looked at online, but didn’t end up buying? That’s dynamic remarketing in action. 

Dynamic remarketing is a must if you’re running Google Ads. It’s key to getting the best results and the highest return on investment.

These ads offer a powerful way to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your website, delivering personalized ads based on their past behavior. Whether you’re looking to boost sales, increase brand visibility, or improve customer retention, dynamic remarketing can be a game-changer. 

In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about dynamic remarketing. We’ll cover how it works, its benefits, and how you can get started using it.

What Is Dynamic Remarketing?

Dynamic remarketing is an online advertising strategy that allows businesses to show personalized ads to users who have previously interacted with their website or app. You can personalize your ads to reflect the specific products each user has shown interest in.

Unlike standard remarketing, which shows the same ad to all visitors, dynamic remarketing customizes ads with specific products or services that users viewed during their visit. For example, someone might visit your site and look at a product but leave without buying it. 

With dynamic remarketing, you can show them ads featuring that exact product as they browse other sites. This keeps your product fresh in their minds, making it more likely they’ll return and complete the purchase.

By leveraging user data, such as pages visited or items added to a shopping cart, dynamic remarketing helps businesses reconnect with potential customers by displaying highly relevant ads, thereby increasing the chances of conversions and improving overall marketing ROI.

How Does Dynamic Remarketing Work?

Dynamic marketing is all about using the data you collect on users to increase the relevance of your paid ads. Here’s how the process works:

Step 1: Data Collection Setup

First, you need to set up data collection on your website. This involves placing a special piece of code, known as a remarketing tag, on your site. This tag will collect data about the pages visited and the actions taken by users.

Step 2: Creating the Ad Feed

Next, you create a product or service feed. This feed is a catalog with details about the items you want to advertise. Each item in the feed has attributes, including a name, price, image, and URL. This information is used to dynamically generate ads.

Step 3: User Interaction

You can use a mix of online and offline tactics to drive traffic to your website. When users visit your site, their interactions are tracked and recorded. They might browse different pages, look at specific products, add items to their cart, or start the checkout process without completing it. The remarketing tag captures all these actions.

Step 4: Ad Generation

Your ads are automatically generated using templates provided by Google Ads. The templates pull information from the product feed to display the specific products or services each user has shown interest in.

Step 5: Displaying the Ads

As users browse other websites or use apps within the Google Display Network, your ads are dynamically generated and displayed. Because the ads are tailored to the individual user’s past behavior, they are more relevant and engaging.

Benefits of Dynamic Remarketing Ads

Dynamic remarketing offers a ton of advantages. You can get better results and maximize the ROI of your campaigns. Here are the key benefits:


One of the standout benefits of dynamic remarketing is the ability to personalize your ads. Instead of showing generic ads, you can tailor each ad to individual users’ interests. 

Users see ads for products they have already shown an interest in. That makes your ads much more relevant.

Higher Engagement Rates

    Dynamic remarketing ads are much more engaging than generic ads. When users see ads that reflect their previous interactions and interests, they are more likely to click on them. 

    In a recent study, remarketing ads were shown to increase ad engagement by 400%. This increased engagement can lead to higher click-through rates and more conversions.

    Increased Conversions

      Targeting users who have already expressed interest in your products significantly increases the chances of conversion. In a recent case study, Tirendo increased conversion rates by 161% using remarketing ads.

      You can target users who are already familiar with your brand and what you offer. These users are more likely to complete a purchase.


        Dynamic remarketing is a cost-effective advertising strategy. Because it targets users who are already interested in your products, it typically results in a higher return on investment (ROI).

        Focusing on users who are more likely to convert allows you to spend your advertising budget more efficiently. On average, remarketing ads only cost $0.11 – $0.50 per click.

        Enhanced Brand Recall

          Showing personalized ads helps keep your brand top of mind for potential customers. Even if they don’t click on the ad immediately, seeing your products repeatedly increases the likelihood that they will remember your brand and return to your site later.

          How to Get Started with Dynamic Remarketing in Google Ads

          Getting started with dynamic remarketing in Google Ads is pretty straightforward. Here are the steps to set up your campaign:

          1. Create a Google Ads Account

              First, create or log into your Google Ads account. This is your main hub for managing your ads.

              2. Link Google Ads and Google Analytics

              Connect your Google Ads account to Google Analytics. This allows you to track user behavior and gather valuable data for your campaigns.

              3. Add the Remarketing Tag

              Place the remarketing tag on your website. This little piece of code will help you track what users do when they visit your site.

              4. Create a Product or Service Feed

              Put together a feed with details about the products you want to advertise. This is a catalog with names, prices, images, and URLs.

              5. Set Up Dynamic Ads

              Use the templates in Google Ads to create dynamic ads. These ads automatically pull info from your feed to show users the products they viewed.

              6. Launch Your Campaign

              Once everything is set up, launch your campaign. Your dynamic ads will start showing to users as they browse other websites.

              How to Measure the Impact of Dynamic Remarketing

              Tracking the right marketing KPIs is super important. You need to know how well your campaigns are doing so you can optimize them for even better results. Here’s how you measure the impact of your dynamic remarketing:

              Key Metrics to Track


              This shows how often your ads are displayed. A high number of impressions means your ads are visible to a lot of people.

              Click-Through Rate (CTR)

              CTR is the ratio of clicks to impressions. It tells you how many people clicked on your ad compared to how many saw it. A high CTR indicates that your ads are appealing to your audience.

              Conversion Rate

              This measures the percentage of users who take a desired action after clicking your ad. A high conversion rate means your ads are successfully driving sales.

              Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

              ROAS calculates the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising. It’s an important metric for understanding the profitability of your campaigns. The higher the ROAS, the better your return on investment.

              Cost Per Click (CPC)

              CPC measures the average amount you pay for each ad click. 

              Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

              CPA calculates the cost of acquiring a customer through your ads. Lowering your CPA while maintaining the number of conversions is a key goal for your campaign.

              Dynamic Remarketing Tips

              Creating a dynamic remarketing campaign isn’t just about setting it up and letting it run. Here are some practical tips to help you maximize your budget:

              Set Frequency Caps

              While reminding users about your products is great, you don’t want to bombard them with ads. Set frequency caps to limit how often someone sees your ads in a certain period. This prevents ad fatigue and keeps your ads effective.

              Monitor Performance Regularly

              Stay on top of campaign performance by regularly checking key metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI. Google Ads’ reporting tools are perfect for this. Regular reviews help you make data-driven improvements to your campaigns.

              Retarget Abandoned Carts

              People who add items to their cart but don’t finish the purchase are prime targets for remarketing. Create specific ads for these users, reminding them of the items left in their cart and encouraging them to complete the purchase. A discount or free shipping offer can be a great nudge.

              Continuously Update Your Product Feed

              Keep your product feed up to date with the latest information on prices and availability. An accurate product feed ensures your ads are relevant and timely, which boosts the chances of conversion.

              Use Exclusions

              Create exclusion lists in Google Ads and apply them to your campaigns. You’ll want to exclude people who’ve already converted. This will allow you to focus on attracting new customers without annoying those who’ve already bought.

              Dynamic Remarketing FAQs

              What Is Dynamic Remarketing?

              Dynamic remarketing shows personalized ads to users based on their previous interactions with your website or app. It uses data on user behavior to create tailored ads that reflect the specific products or services they viewed.

              What Is an Example of Dynamic Remarketing?

              If you browse an online store and look at a pair of shoes but don’t buy them, dynamic remarketing can show ads for those shoes as you visit other websites. This personalized approach keeps the product top of mind and encourages you to complete the purchase.

              What Is Dynamic Remarketing in Google Ads?

              In Google Ads, dynamic remarketing involves creating ad campaigns that feature products or services users have already viewed on your site. Using a product feed and dynamic ad templates, Google Ads automatically generates customized ads that remind users of their previous interest and entice them to return and buy.

              What Is Dynamic vs Static Remarketing?

              Static remarketing shows the same generic ad to everyone who has visited your site. In contrast, dynamic remarketing creates personalized ads based on individual user behavior to make them more relevant and effective.


              Dynamic remarketing is a game-changer for your advertising strategy. It makes your ads more relevant and helps you get the most out of your budget. For optimal results, adopt a hybrid approach by combining both online and offline strategies. This blend will boost your remarketing efforts, driving even greater success and reaching your audience more effectively.

              Oppizi’s flyer distribution services can complement your online marketing, helping you reach a broader audience and drive more traffic to your website and opening up new opportunities for dynamic remarketing. 

              Don’t just take our word for it, explore our success stories and see how we can help you.

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              About Oppizi​

              Oppizi is on a mission to disrupt marketing at scale by offering offline marketing solutions that co-exist with digital channels and providing businesses with MarTech solutions that resonate with audiences across various touchpoints.

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