How to Use Auction Insights in Google Ads

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You’re managing a Google Ads campaign, and despite your best efforts, your ads aren’t performing as well as you’d hoped. You wonder why your competitors always seem to be one step ahead, capturing the top spots in Google and driving more traffic. 

Sound familiar?

Here’s where Auction Insights in Google Ads comes in—and it’s a game-changer for your digital marketing strategy. 

This tool not only provides valuable data about your ad campaigns, but also offers insights into your competitors’ tactics. To give your campaigns a competitive edge, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about the Auction Insights report.

By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the best practices and tips to take your digital marketing strategy to the next level.

What is Auction Insights in Google Ads?

Auction Insights is a comprehensive tool that provides detailed information about how your ads perform compared to other advertisers competing in the same auctions.

It includes several important metrics: impression share, overlap rate, position above rate, top of page rate, and outranking share. Each one provides insight into how your ads perform in comparison to others.

By showing who else is bidding on your keywords and how your ad visibility compares to others, Auction Insights offers you a strategic glimpse into your competitors’ tactics. With this information, you’ll be able to better understand your market position and fine-tune your advertising strategies.

Optimizing Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaigns with Auction Insights

Data-driven decision-making is more critical than ever for optimizing PPC campaigns. PPC campaigns involve paying a fee each time one of your ads is clicked and aim to drive traffic to your website and convert visitors into customers. 

The success of these campaigns hinges on precise targeting and strategic bidding, both of which are significantly enhanced by insights derived from data. The ranking of PPC ads displayed in organic search results depends on multiple factors, including:

  • Bid amount (or ad spend)
  • Landing page experience
  • Quality score and expected click-through-rate among competitors
  • Relevance of keywords used in both the ad copy and campaign settings

A crucial factor when reviewing Google’s Auction Insights is understanding this ranking system, as it determines whether or not an advertiser’s ad appears above others’ or even at all. 

Accessing and Understanding Auction Insights

Before you can access Auction Insights in Google Ads, your campaigns must meet certain minimum activity requirements. Typically, this means having enough impressions and clicks to generate meaningful data. 

Without sufficient activity, the tool can’t provide accurate or useful insights, so make sure your campaigns are active and garnering traffic before attempting to access Auction Insights data.

Locating the Auction Insights Report

To access the Auction Insights report in Google Ads, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in: Log into your Google Ads account.
  2. Navigate to Campaigns: In the left-hand menu, click on “Campaigns” to view your active ad campaigns.
  3. Select the Campaign, Ad Group, or Keyword: Choose the specific campaign, ad group, or keyword for which you want to view Auction Insights.
  4. Click on Auction Insights: Under the “More” drop-down menu, select “Auction Insights” to view the report.
  5. Review the Report: The Auction Insights report will now be displayed, showing you detailed competitive data.

Interpreting the Interface

The Auction Insights report interface layout is designed to provide clear and actionable data to help your campaigns perform better. It displays key metrics such as:

  • Impression Share: Percentage of the total impressions your ad receives
  • Average Position: Average rank of your ad compared to competitors
  • Overlap Rate: How often your ad appears at the same time as another ad
  • Position Above Rate: Frequency of another ad appearing above yours
  • Top of Page Rate: Percentage of times your ad appears at the top of search results
  • Outranking Share: Percentage of times your ad ranks higher than another advertiser’s ad

Search vs Shopping Campaigns

It’s important to note that Auction Insights data presentation varies slightly between search and shopping campaigns.

  • Search Campaigns: Data focuses primarily on keyword performance and ranking metrics, meaning you’ll gain insights into how your ad ranks for specific keywords compared to your competitors
  • Shopping Campaigns: Focuses on product-level data, providing insights into how your product ads stack up against competitors’ ads for similar products, offering a deeper understanding of your market position

Data Limitations with Auction Insights

Bear in mind that some information might not always be accessible due to various privacy policies and regulations set by Google itself. Particularly, this can come into play when dealing with low-volume keyword targeting strategies.

However, even without a complete set of data, valuable conclusions can still be drawn regarding general trends affecting ad performance over time.

Key Metrics and Their Significance

Understanding the data and insights provided in the Auction Insights report is key to making informed decisions and achieving optimal campaign performance. If you want to maximize the impact of your digital marketing efforts, here are the key metrics to pay attention to.

Impression Share

Impression Share represents the percentage of eligible auctions your ad participated in compared to the total. A high impression share suggests that your ad appears frequently in auctions, maximizing your visibility. A low impression share may indicate areas for improvement in your campaign targeting, ad relevance, or bidding strategy.

Overlap Rate

Overlap Rate reveals the percentage of auctions where your ad competed against specific competitors. A high overlap rate suggests strong, direct competition between two or more competitors in your market segment. 

Top of Page Rate

Top of Page Rate refers to how often your ad appears at the top of search engine results where it’s most likely to be seen by viewers. A high top-of-page rate shows that your ad successfully appears at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). A low top-of-page rate suggests you may need to prioritize different bidding strategies or improve your ad relevance.

Average Position

Average Position reflects your ad’s average ranking within search results compared to competitors. A higher average position is ideal, while a lower average position indicates your ad appears lower down on SERPs, potentially reducing visibility and click-through rates.

Gaining a Competitive Edge with Auction Insights

Consider these factors when using Auction Insights in Google Ads if you want to enhance your ad campaign and outperform your competitors.

  • Identify your top competitors by using overlap rate data and other key metrics to understand their strategies, pivoting your approach strategically.
  • Analyze your competitors’ bidding tactics, assessing their average ad position and adapt your marketing strategy accordingly.
  • Continuously refine your bidding strategy based on competitor activity, targeting alternative keywords or adjusting bid amounts if necessary.
  • Experiment with different ad formats and extensions to enhance performance, using data from Auction Insights to inform your decisions.

How to Use Auction Insights to Optimize Your Campaigns

Effectively using Auction Insights goes beyond merely knowing the platform – you must understand how to analyze the data it provides. Here’s how you can get started:

Keyword and Ad Copy Optimization

With Auction Insights data, you can pinpoint low-performing keywords with high competition and low impression share. This information can help you fine-tune your ad copy and optimize landing pages to improve engagement and drive higher conversion rates.

You can also take note of competitor keyword strategies and use these insights to make your own keyword adjustments to achieve top ad placement.

Budget Allocation

Auction Insights data can be used to make informed budget allocation decisions, Continuously monitoring and reallocating resources to high-performing keywords and ad groups can help maximize ROI and campaign effectiveness. 

A/B Testing and Refinement

Combine Auction Insights data with A/B testing strategies to refine your campaigns. Test different ad copy, keywords, and landing pages to identify the best combination and approach for improved ad performance, which may involve:

  • Experimenting with various ad copy styles and messaging
  • Testing different keyword variations and match types
  • Trying out diverse landing page designs and content layouts

Monitoring and Analysis

Regularly reviewing Auction Insights data is essential for staying adequately informed of your competitors’ strategies and campaign performance trends. You can also pair other PPC metrics such as conversion rates and cost-per-acquisition (CPA) to  further boost campaign effectiveness.

Automation Tools

Automated bid adjustments and other tools within Google Ads are allowed for various types of campaigns, including both search and shopping campaigns. These tools can streamline campaign management and optimize your bidding strategy. Some common automation tools marketers use include Smart Bidding, Optmyzr, and Kenshoo.

Remember: Every small adjustment or refinement to your marketing strategy directly contributes to achieving your campaign objectives and driving meaningful outcomes.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Why are my auction insights not showing up on Google Ads?

First, ensure that your account meets the criteria for accessing the Auction Insights report and that your account settings don’t have any restrictions that could prevent it from being displayed.

If Auction Insights aren’t visible in your Google Ads account, it may be due to insufficient activity or competition for your selected keywords, date range, or campaigns. Additionally, keep in mind that your ads may not qualify to appear in Auction Insights if they’ve consistently ranked below a certain threshold.

How do I download Google Auction Insights ads?

  1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Go to the “Campaigns” tab in the left-hand menu.
  3. Click on the specific campaign, ad group, or keyword you want to analyze.
  4. In the main menu, click on the “Auction Insights” tab. 
  5. Adjust the date range at the top of the page to the period you want to analyze.
  6. Click on the download icon at the top right corner of the Auction Insights table.
  7. Choose your preferred file format (e.g., CSV, Excel), and click “Download.” 

Abschließende Gedanken

Understanding Google Ads Auction Insights is a huge step toward mastering your digital marketing strategy. Being able to decipher key metrics from both your campaigns, as well as your competitors, can provide valuable insights into how you can optimize your campaign’s performance and drive more traffic to your website. 

Unter Oppizi, we recognize the importance of both online and offline marketing efforts. While digital strategies like data from Auction Insights are essential, integrating offline marketing solutions can help further amplify your reach and impact. Start growing your campaign with Oppizi today!


About Oppizi​

Oppizi is on a mission to disrupt marketing at scale by offering offline marketing solutions that co-exist with digital channels and providing businesses with MarTech solutions that resonate with audiences across various touchpoints.

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