EDDM Size Requirements: A Complete Guide

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Are you planning to create an Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) mailpiece for your business? Understanding the size requirements of EDDM is crucial to ensure that your mailpiece gets delivered to its intended audience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about every door direct mail requirement. We’ll start by discussing what Every Door Direct Mail is and the benefits it offers. Next, we’ll dive into the various shapes and thicknesses allowed for EDDM mail pieces. We’ll also provide a detailed breakdown of the different Every Door Direct Mail sizes available, from small to oversized postcards. Additionally, we’ll explore design options and how to maximize Every Door Direct Mail for advertising purposes. By the end of this blog post, you’ll have a complete understanding of USPS EDDM size requirements, and be well-equipped to create an effective mailpiece for your business.

Detailed breakdown of the USPS EDDM size requirements

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has specific size requirements for Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) pieces. Here are popular sizes for Every Door Direct Mails.

  • Small – 4.25″ × 11″
  • Bestseller – 6.25″ × 9″
  • Medium – 6″ × 10.5″, 6″ × 11″, 6″ × 12″
  • Jumbo – 8.5” x 11”
  • Oversized – 12” x 15”

Standard and bestseller postcard

Most popular eddm postcard is the standard size, used in EDDM marketing across multiple industries as this complies with EDDM size requirements USPS.

  • 4.25″ × 11″
  • 6.25″ × 9″

These formats will allow advertisers to save in printing and still meet USPS requirements for EDDM. Advertisers must ensure that their mailpieces meet the size requirements for standard EDDM to successfully reach their target audience and maximize advertising impact.

Medium to large postcard

Considering adding more elements to your postcard? Here are three formats that can accommodate your needs:

  • 6″ × 10.5″
  • 6″ × 11″
  • 6″ × 12″

Local advertisers can gain from using larger Every Door Direct Mail postcard sizes, as they offer extended shelf life and greater visibility. However, it’s important to note that these mailpieces are more expensive to print. Ensuring compliance with the postal customer’s needs and preferences is vital for successful EDDM campaigns.

Jumbo to oversized Postcard

We generally do not advise our customers to choose these formats, as they are most likely being folded and used as a tool to bundle mail.

  • 8.5” x 11”
  • 12” x 15”

Every Door Direct Mail, the size matters!

With Every Door Direct Mail, the size directly impacts the cost and postage rates. Larger mailpieces may capture more attention from recipients, making them more effective for marketing. Small business owners should carefully consider the size of their EDDM mailers to optimize their advertising efforts. It’s crucial to ensure that the mailpiece meets the physical standards for Every Door Direct Mail to avoid any issues with delivery and postage.

Minimum, and maximum dimensions

Adhering to postal service requirements is vital for EDDM mail pieces, targeting customers within a carrier route. Understanding the minimum and maximum size requirements and following the zip code, saturation, or radius mailing process is crucial. Additionally, utilizing appropriate square corners for EDDM mailpieces ensures compliance with regulations. It’s mission-critical for advertisers to understand these requirements to effectively reach their target audience.

  • Length: The length of the mailpiece must be more than 10.5 inches but cannot exceed 15 inches.
  • Height: The height must be more than 6.125 inches but not more than 12 inches.

Mailer formats

EDDM size requirements from the USPS are specific, and mailpieces must conform to specific size and shape requirements established. The shape of these mailpieces significantly influences postage rates and mailing eligibility. It is mission-critical for advertisers to understand the required formats for EDDM mail pieces to ensure compliance with USPS expectations and seamless mail processing. Adhering to the prescribed format requirements facilitates efficient delivery and enhances the overall effectiveness of mailing campaigns. The mailpieces must be rectangular, with either four square corners or finished corners that do not exceed a radius of 0.125 inches. A square is also considered a rectangle for these purposes.

Thickness of the mailpieces

USPS has specific guidelines for the thickness of EDDM mail pieces, ensuring uniformity and efficiency in mail processing. Thickness is a crucial physical standard for Every Door Direct Mail. Compliance with these requirements is vital for successful mailing.

Minimum and maximum thickness requirements for EDDM mail pieces

The thickness must be more than 0.25 inches but not exceed 0.75 inches. EDDM mail pieces must adhere to USPS’s minimum thickness standards to ensure compliance. Exceeding maximum thickness can result in non-compliance with EDDM regulations, affecting postage rates and mailing eligibility. Meeting the minimum thickness requirement is crucial for durability during transit, while the maximum thickness influences mailpiece design and printing options. Maintaining the prescribed thickness safeguards seamless processing and delivery, vital for successful direct mail marketing.

Printing, a factor that can affect the thickness of your mailpiece

Factors impacting the thickness of mailpieces include the type of stock/paper used, additional elements like coupons, design choices such as folded or multi-layered mailpieces, printing process, and finishing options. USPS requires mailpieces to be “flat” to be considered as EDDM mail. The USPS post office will not accept any items that do not meet the flat requirement, so do not stick any cards to your mailpiece, otherwise you might have to reprint your mailpieces. For the unique reason that the additional attachment on the mailpiece may become entangled in USPS mailing processing machines, disrupting their operations. Understanding these factors is crucial for creating compliant mailpieces that meet USPS specifications. By considering these elements, advertisers can ensure that their mailpieces adhere to the required thickness standards for successful mailing.

Use Oppizi Ads flyer Builder for EDDM postcard design

Oppizi Ads flyer builder is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of creating postcards by offering inbuilt formats as per USPS EDDM requirements. This not only saves time and effort but also ensures that your postcards are compliant with the postal service’s guidelines.

In addition to this, the Oppizi Ads flyer builder also provides multiple options to add text, images, shapes, QR codes, and other design elements to your postcards. This allows you to create visually appealing and effective postcards that grab the attention of your target audience.

With user-friendly features and easy-to-navigate interfaces, the Oppizi Ads flyer builder is an excellent solution for businesses looking to create high-quality postcards quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re designing postcards for a special event or promoting a new product or service, this tool can help you achieve your marketing goals with ease.

EDDM size requirements FAQ

Common postcard sizes are ideal for mailing campaigns. Specific size requirements exist for Every Door Direct Mail marketing mail, influenced by the mailer’s location. Oversized mailpieces can also be used for Every Door Direct Mail marketing. The size of an EDDM mailpiece directly impacts postage rates.

What if my EDDM design does not meet the size requirements?

Non-compliance with EDDM size requirements can lead to mailing issues. To ensure successful Every Door Direct Mail marketing, it’s important to adjust the design to meet size requirements. Understanding the implications of size requirements is crucial for an effective mailing campaign, preventing additional costs and mailing delays. Adhering to size requirements is key.

What are standard EDDM sizes?

EDDM size requirements are specific, the standard sizes are as follows:

  • Bestseller – 6.25″ x 9″
  • Jumbo – 8.5″ x 11″

These sizes are recommended by the USPS for Every Door Direct Mail mailings. It’s important to note that these sizes meet the specific requirements and guidelines set by USPS for EDDM mailings, including the use of specific indicia and addressing formats. If you have any further questions or need assistance with your mailing campaign, feel free to ask!

Can I use a custom size for my EDDM mailpiece or do I need to stick to standard sizes?

You have the option to use a custom size for your Every Door Direct Mail mailer, but they need to fall under the USPS requirements for EDDM mail pieces. The USPS has specific requirements for EDDM mailers, including size and weight limits. While there are standard sizes that are commonly used for EDDM mailers, you can work with a printing company to create a custom size that fits within the postal guidelines. However, it is important to ensure that your custom size still meets the USPS requirements to avoid any issues with delivery. It is recommended to consult one of our mail specialists to understand the specific requirements and limitations of your custom-sized EDDM mailer.

Email campaign vs. EDDM campaign?

Email campaigns offer quick, cost-effective outreach with easy tracking and personalization. However, they often struggle with low open rates and spam filters. In contrast, mailing campaigns ensure physical mailpiece delivery to specific local areas, enhancing visibility and perceived value. EDDM has higher costs and requires more preparation, but it can be more impactful due to less competition in physical mailpieces and a tangible presence in customers’ hands. Both strategies have unique advantages, depending on the target audience and campaign goals.

What postage rate for my EDDM campaign?

Postage rates have been rising annually, yet the primary factor influencing the postage cost of a mailing campaign is the location where the mailpieces are dropped off. The closer the dropoff is to the destination, the lower the postage cost. It’s advisable to deliver the mailpieces directly to the local USPS office or the Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) of the mail’s targeted area to save money on postage.


In conclusion, it is important to understand and adhere to the size requirements for EDDM mail pieces. The shape and thickness of your mailpiece play a crucial role in meeting the guidelines set by the USPS. By following these requirements, you can ensure that your mailing campaign reaches its intended recipients without any issues.

Additionally, maximizing the potential of Every Door Direct Mail for advertising purposes can significantly boost your marketing efforts. Every Door Direct Mail allows you to target specific areas and reach a wider audience, making it an effective tool for promoting your business or services.

If you have any questions or concerns about EDDM size requirements, don’t hesitate to consult with a professional printing service. They can provide you with guidance and assistance in designing and printing EDDM mail pieces that meet all the necessary specifications.

Remember, Every Door Direct Mail can be a valuable asset for your advertising strategy, so make the most of it by understanding and implementing the proper size requirements.


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Oppizi is on a mission to disrupt marketing at scale by offering offline marketing solutions that co-exist with digital channels and providing businesses with MarTech solutions that resonate with audiences across various touchpoints.

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