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EDDM indicia

EDDM Indicia: Requirements and Best Practices

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Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) is a popular direct mail marketing strategy used by businesses of all sizes. It allows businesses to reach potential customers in specific geographical areas without the need for a mailing list. One crucial element of a successful EDDM campaign is the EDDM indicia. In this blog post, we will explore the requirements and best practices, including its role, size and format requirements, postal regulations, placement examples, dos and don’ts, and best practices.

What is EDDM Indicia?

Indicia is a specialized postage mark used by USPS to confirm payment of postage and is essential for EDDM retail mailing. Serving as a postal endorsement, understanding the purpose and requirements of EDDM indicia is crucial for successful mailing and compliance with postal service regulations.

The Role of USPS EDDM Indicia

The role of EDDM indicia in an EDDM campaign is crucial. It informs the post office that the mailing qualifies for the Every Door Direct Mail service, ensuring that the postal service processes and delivers the mailpieces correctly. EDDM indicia provides important information about the mailing, including the postal customer, postage payment, and mail design. It specifies the mail entry unit and the specific size of the mailpiece, ensuring compliance with postal service regulations. The indicia mark must be placed on the top edge or right edge of the mailer, adjacent to the address block. Proper placement of the indicia mark is vital for completion of the EDDM mailing.

EDDM Indicia Requirements: A Detailed Overview

When creating EDDM mailings, it’s crucial to adhere to specific requirements. These requirements include the correct placement and format of the indicia, following postal regulations, and understanding the size and format requirements. Adhering to these requirements ensures that your mailing reaches the intended audience effectively and complies with USPS standards. Additionally, using the right templates can streamline the process, making it easier to reach local businesses and residential addresses without unnecessary errors. Understanding these requirements is essential for successful EDDM mailings.

The required language on an EDDM indicia

This updated version should be used on all EDDM mailings and can be found in the online instructions for EDDM Retail customers. It’s important to note that in this new format, the phrase “EDDM retail” or “EDDM business” is featured on the bottom line, with “PAID” directly above it on a separate line.

The format is as follows:

EDDM Retail/Business

While mailings that use the older indicia format, where “U.S. POSTAGE PAID” is presented on a single line, are still accepted, it is recommended that customers transition to using the updated indicia for future mailings to ensure compliance and avoid any delivery issues.

Size and Format Requirements for USPS EDDM Indicia

Meeting the size and format specifications for the indicia mark is vital for ensuring compliance with postal regulations in EDDM mailing. It is necessary to ensure that the indicia mark meets the specific size and format requirements to adhere to postal service guidelines effectively. The correct size and format of the indicia mark play a crucial role in meeting the compliance standards set by the postal service. Adhering to the precise size and format of the indicia mark is essential for successful EDDM mailing. The EDDM Retail Indicia must be at least 0.5″ x 0.5″ in size without a maximum size specified. The font used must be capitalized and a minimum of 4 points in size. Source 1,  Source 2.

Location and Placement of USPS EDDM Indicia

Understanding the specific location and placement of the indicia mark is crucial for compliance with postal regulations. Adhering to the specific location requirements for the indicia mark ensures compliance with postal service guidelines.The indicia is required to be positioned within 1.625″ of the right edge and 1.375″ from the top edge. This ensures that your mailing list reaches the final recipient effectively. Additionally, understanding the role of EDDM BMEU and business mail entry units will contribute to successful EDDM postcard printing.

Indicia placement on postcards

When placing indicia on postcards for EDDM, adherence to USPS regulations is crucial. The design of the indicia should be placed either below or to the left of the permit information, within a space that does not extend beyond 4-1/2 inches to the left of the mailpiece’s right edge, and 1-1/2 inches beneath the top edge of the mailpiece, the address area, or the address label. Correct placement is essential to qualify for EDDM, ensuring compliance with mailing standards. This careful positioning not only meets postal requirements but also enhances the effectiveness of the mailing list, eddm bmeu, and business mail entry. Adhering to these guidelines is vital for a successful retail campaign, targeting residential addresses and po boxes effectively.

Common Misconceptions About EDDM Indicia

It’s commonly misunderstood that the indicia mark can be placed anywhere on the mailer or that the indicia should be positioned in the top right corner of the mail piece. Another misconception is the belief that the indicia mark can be any size, while it must meet specific requirements. Lastly, some individuals mistakenly think that the indicia mark can be smaller than the required size. These misbeliefs can lead to non-compliance with EDDM indicia requirements.

Avoidable Errors in Using EDDM Indicia

Avoiding errors in postal customer mailing address details on the mailpiece is crucial for successful EDDM campaigns. The indicia mark should not be placed lower than 1/4 of an inch from the top edge to comply with postal regulations. Using the correct EDDM retail indicia and avoiding optional endorsement lines in the wrong location can prevent mailing issues. Additionally, errors in the right placement of the address block can lead to postal service rejection, emphasizing the importance of accurate indicia and address details on every mailpiece.

Your EDDM provider should be aware of the requirements

You have to ensure that your EDDM vendor know the details about EDDM indicia requirements, otherwise it may happen that your EDDM mailings never arrive at their destination.

Tips for Successful EDDM Postage

When conducting successful EDDM mailing, ensuring the accurate utilization of the EDDM retail indicia mark is imperative. Adhering to postal service guidelines is crucial for a prosperous EDDM mailing campaign. Utilizing demographic data for targeted mailing and adhering to the correct household size information are both essential. Additionally, using the mapping tool to identify carrier routes is a valuable tip for successful EDDM mailing.


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USPS EDDM Indicia png

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Questions fréquemment posées

What is EDDM indicia?

EDDM indicia is a specific postage mark used for Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) campaigns. It denotes the payment of postage and is required for EDDM retail mailing. The indicia mark serves as a postal endorsement for EDDM mailpieces, informing the post office that the mailing qualifies for the Every Door Direct Mail service offered by the USPS. It includes information such as the postal customer, postage payment, and the mail design.

What is EDDM Retail Indicia?

EDDM Retail Indicia is a marking that identifies mailpieces eligible for Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) Retail service. It includes the EDDM logo, “ECRWSS,” and “Local Postal Customer.” This indicia must be placed in the top right corner, meeting size and color requirements. Using EDDM Retail Indicia can save businesses on postage costs when targeting specific neighborhoods or zip codes.

Are there any restrictions on the types of businesses or industries that can use an EDDM Indicia?

No, there are no industry or business restrictions for using an EDDM Indicia for direct mail marketing. However, the mailpiece must comply with postal regulations and laws. EDDM Indicia offers a cost-effective way to target specific geographical areas with your marketing message. Remember to design an eye-catching and compelling mailpiece to grab the recipient’s attention.


In conclusion, understanding the requirements and best practices for EDDM Indicia is crucial for successful direct mail marketing campaigns. EDDM Indicia plays a significant role in EDDM, ensuring that your mailpieces comply with postal regulations and reach their intended recipients. It’s essential to adhere to size and format requirements, as well as proper placement on postcards or envelopes. Avoid common misconceptions and errors associated with EDDM Indicia to maximize the effectiveness of your mailing. By following best practices and incorporating tips for successful EDDM mailing, you can enhance the impact of your direct mail campaigns. For more information and resources, refer to the EDDM Indicia PDF and consult the frequently asked questions section.

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Oppizi is on a mission to disrupt marketing at scale by offering offline marketing solutions that co-exist with digital channels and providing businesses with MarTech solutions that resonate with audiences across various touchpoints.

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